Literary Indulgence


By partnering with us, you can connect with a diverse and engaged audience of book lovers, authors, and literary enthusiasts.  Together, we can create an unforgettable celebration of the written word.

How To Become A Sponsor

Becoming a sponsor is simple! Contact us to discuss your sponsorship options, and we’ll work with you to create a customized sponsorship package that aligns with your goals and values.

Contact Us for Sponsorship Inquiries.  Choose Your Sponsorship and Checkout Now.

Contact Us!Check Out Now!

We partner with businesses and organizations to create mutually beneficial sponsorship arrangements that support events, such as our festival event, and provide valuable exposure for sponsors.  We also offers various sponsorship levels to meet your needs and maximize your impact:

Literary Influencer- $10,000

  • Title sponsor recognition.
  • “Presented by” verbiage and prominent logo placement on all festival promotional materials (digital and print).
  • Clickable sponsor logo on the festival website.
  • Opportunity to share remarks during event’s welcome.
  • Dedicated Thank You Post across social media platforms (1).
  • Feather banner displayed in prominent location in the vendor courtyard.
  • 10 tickets to the Author & Reader Mixer.
  • Banner prominently displayed at the main venue.
  • Day of social media coverage tagging sponsor.
  • Front placement of logo on volunteer T-shirts.
  • On-site booth space in a premium location.

Editor's Choice - $3,000

  • Clickable logo placement on the festival website.
  • 4 tickets to the Author & Reader Mixer.
  • Feather banner displayed in the vendor courtyard.
  • On-site booth space.

Author & Reader Mixer - $2,500

  • Display your branded banner in the venue during event for high-visibility exposure.
  • Recognition as the sponsor for food and beverage amenities, with branding on catering stations.
  • Logo placement on on-site event signage at the Author & Reader Mixer
  • Support DJ music at the festival with acknowledgment in event signage and announcements.
  • Clickable logo placement on the festival website.
  • 2 tickets to the Author & Reader Mixer.

The Little Lit Lounge (Children's activities) - $2,000

  • Recognition as a sponsor for Face Painting, Balloon Sculpture, Bouncy House & Speaker/Presenter with logo placement on on-site event signage and announcements throughout the day.
  • Clickable logo placement on the festival website.
  • Feather banner displayed in the vendor courtyard.

a La Carte options

Promo Materials in Gift Bags – $400
* Include 500 – 600 branded items (brochures, samples, coupons or giveaways) in festival gift bags provided to registered festival attendees.
Logo on Volunteer Shirts – $500
* Sponsor logo displayed on all volunteer T-shirts worn during the event for maximum visibility.
Speaker Sponsorship – $1,200
* Recognition as a sponsor for a speaker with logo placement on event on-site signage and announcements during the session.
Music Sponsor – $750
* Support live music performances at the festival with acknowledgment in event on-site signage and announcements.
Food & Beverage Sponsor – $1,000
*Recognition as the sponsor for food and beverage amenities for authors and presenters with branding on catering stations and announcements throughout the day.
Branded Banner Placement – $500
* Display your branded feather banner with name of historic Jacksonville author in the vendor courtyard for high-visibility exposure.
Yard Signage – $500 
* Signage placement in proximity to venue location and along prominent streets in Riverside area on event day. 10 signage per bundle with added verbiage “Sponsored By”.
Bookmarks – Bookmark Donation and $250 sponsorship
*Logo placement on 500 – 600 2X8 bookmarks.

Partner with us!  Fill out the Sponsorship Form.  For custom sponsorship packages or more personalized opportunities, please email us

Choose Your Sponsorship and Checkout Now! You’ll be directed to a secure checkout page to complete your sponsorship.

Literary Indulgence Sponsorship Form

Literary Indulgence Sponsorship Form

Thank you for your interest in becoming a sponsor/partner!

Please fill out the form below to secure your sponsorship! 

Our Current partners/Sponsors

For more information about sponsorship opportunities or to discuss how you can get involved, please reach out to us.   We look forward to partnering with you to make a difference in the literary community.

Thank You Sponsors

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